These past few months have been a blur… again. It feels like I’m consistently coming back to this blog to say the exact same thing – that I’m busy, that life has been going quickly, and that I have still been eating (and cooking) some great meals – but haven’t gotten around to sharing them.
So here’s the deal… I have been busy. As you know, I completed my health coach training program in May. Since then, I have been working to grow this business. To be fully transparent, it has been a little more tricky than I anticipated – and I think I finally figured out why. In my time in the program, I also was sitting behind my computer trying to learn the ins and outs of all the technology involved in setting up programs, email marketing systems and understanding social media for my business. Through all my learning and discovering, I realized I was actually MORE satisfied sitting behind my screen doing the techy stuff than wanting to “get out there” and spread my health coaching message.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m still 100% over the moon about health coaching and living a full and healthy life, whatever that may mean to someone. What I did discover was that I was spending a ton of time on Facebook and email connecting with other health coaches to help them get THEIR programs off the ground, all the while not having very many clients myself. So what am I getting at with all of this? Well, I started another venture. This time I’m working with health coaches to get their tech issues solved. It’s mostly a specialized consulting-type thing for now, but truth be told, it’s the most I’ve ever felt in my element. I’m getting “out there” with all of it and I am crazy excited about helping other coaches take their businesses to the next level so they can spread the message I’m also so passionate about.
This means that I’ve been blogging less, yes. Here and on my health coaching site. I’m realizing each and every day that although I don’t have a formal “job” that my days are more jam-packed full than any time I ever spent time in a cubicle. That’s really exciting and also – because this is a funny quirky personality trait of mine – overwhelming. I’m the type of person who needs their space and time to reflect and recharge regularly – probably more than the average person. So know that with every amazing meal I’ve cooked and eaten, that I am always thinking of coming back here to share it… and then time slips away again and I forget.
Without going in to any details, I’ve also had a number of personal family things come up in the past few months as well – which makes for getting a business started tricky (and keeping updated on my blogs). I hope you’re still here even after all that Google Reader mess. I’ll try to keep coming back with delicious things to share soon! xoxo